Support Us

Make a Donation

If you would like to make a donation, our bank account number is 38 9004 0401320 00  Altus Resource Trust.  We are now registered for tax rebates.

While you are welcome to make anonymous donations, we would really like to be able to thank you, so an identifying name and contact address would be helpful.  

 Become a sponsor  

Enrich your working environment by becoming a corporate sponsor or donate regularly as an individual or family.  An automatic payment can be set up to make this process easier.  Not everyone has the skill set that is required to go as a volunteer or the time or circumstances to do so, but donating funds to enable this work is vitally important.  Send an email to us at to set this up.

 Donate Equipment

Altus ships wheelchairs, walkers,  standing frames, shower chairs, commodes and other equipment for the use of people with disabilities.  Please contact us if you have equipment in good condition that you think we can use.  We store the equipment in a warehouse in Auckland and are grateful to HTS Group Ltd for the storage space and assistance on delivery days.